course.alt.type_seminar  Meet2Talk – How to make study groups work – A digital approach for teachers and students at the University of Copenhagen

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At UCPH, we have developed “My Study Group”: a plugin for our LMS that automatically assigns students to study groups based on an algorithm. Students answer three questions and are then matched and divided into groups based on their response. The solution comes with support tools addressing frequent challenges in group work.
The purpose is threefold:
  • To create a safe group formation process, where students are given the reasons for why to work in groups and are supported in becoming part of a group.
  • To provide an easy-to-use tool to ease and qualify group formation for teachers, so that the process builds on theoretically based principles, while being carried out almost automatically.
  • To create a support structure for study groups, to strengthen the collaboration in the groups.
Ultimately, the overall intention is to increase the use, quality and lifespan of study groups and enhance student wellbeing. The underlying, research-backed hypothesis is that group homogeneity is not necessarily the crucial factor determining a group’s success. What has proven essential, however, is that the groupwork is not hampered by logistical constraints, which is why the three questions focus on practical circumstances.
The talk will present the funcionality and usability of the app for teachers and students, who are now automatically matched into study groups based on their similarity. The algorithm is fully transparent and available here.
Teilnehmende des Zertifikatsprogramms können bei Teilnahme von 3 Gesprächsabenden und einer zusätzlichen schriftlichen Reflexion dies auf das Zertifikat im Umfang von 8 AE anrechnen lassen. Ansprechpartnerin: Stefanie Maria Lorenz
0,25 Tage (2 AE)