course.alt.type_seminar  How to Write a Competitive Proposal for Horizon 2020

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Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des KIT
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The aim of this half-day course is to train researchers, research managers and research support services in writing professional and competitive proposals for the Horizon 2020. The course describes the relevance of Horizon 2020 to EU policies, the common problems in proposal writing and the success criteria for proposals. The course provides tips on how to collect information, how to select strategic partners and how to avoid duplication in proposal writing. The final section describes a strategy for proposal writing.
Dr. Sean McCarthy has been involved in all aspects of European Research since 1980. He has been active as a researcher, research manager, research group leader, and company director. Today he specialises in helping organisations design and implement their European Research Strategies. In 2011 the European Commission published a list of the top 100 research organisations participating in Framework 7. Dr. McCarthy provides training courses in 48 of these research organisations.
9:00 Uhr bis 12:30 Uhr
Diese Veranstaltung ist für Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des KIT kostenfrei.
3.50 hours