course.alt.type_seminar  Addressing Impact in Research Proposals

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The workshop is designed for researchers intending to apply for public funding, but may also be useful for funding advisors who need to know about the practical side to proposal preparation.
Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Teilnahme sowie die Kostenübernahme mit Ihrem Vorgesetzten besprochen und genehmigt ist, sofern die Teilnahme im dienstlichen Interesse erfolgt und während der Arbeitszeit erfolgt. Mit der Anmeldung bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die AGBs gelesen und akzeptiert haben. Sie sind sich vor allem auch der Stornierungsund Umbuchungsmodalitäten bewusst und wissen, dass bei einer Stornierung von 14 oder weniger Kalendertagen vor Seminarbeginn die volle Seminargebühr fällig wird. Eine Stornierung hat schriftlich per Email zu erfolgen.
Increasingly research funders require careful presentation of the potential beneficial impacts of the proposed research project in order for a grant to be given. This is especially the case in the European Framework Programme Horizon 2020. For many researchers this poses something of a challenge as this means considering influences outside the domain of research. This workshop will address this topic using examples from successful proposals, show strategies on how to approach this and tactics from a variety of project types, funding sources and stages of research maturity.
  • The following topics will be covered: The changing landscape of research funding/What is understood by ‘Impact’/From knowledge creation to innovation/Thinking beyond the project/Developing a strategic approach to dissemination/Handling IP, Open Access, Data Management/Getting the input needed for the proposal/Discussion of participant’s own cases
  • Methods: The workshop will consist of lectures, discussions and exercises. Exercises will focus on the writing of the proposal, e.g. structuring the proposal, preparing templates to organise the writing process for individual proposers as well as for collaborative proposals and conceiving a convincing chapter on the impact. Participants are encouraged to bring along their own examples for discussion.
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1.00 days