course.alt.type_seminar  Cross Cultural Competences at work and in the VUCA world

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Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in Verwaltung und Technik
Wir gehen davon aus, dass die Teilnahme sowie die Kostenübernahme mit Ihrem Vorgesetzten besprochen und genehmigt ist, sofern die Teilnahme im dienstlichen Interesse erfolgt und während der Arbeitszeit erfolgt. Mit der Anmeldung bestätigen Sie, dass Sie die AGBs gelesen und akzeptiert haben. Sie sind sich vor allem auch der Stornierungsund Umbuchungsmodalitäten bewusst und wissen, dass bei einer Stornierung von 14 oder weniger Kalendertagen vor Seminarbeginn die volle Seminargebühr fällig wird. Eine Stornierung hat schriftlich per Email zu erfolgen.
In a globalised world and the so-called VUCA world - a world that seems to be more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous than ever before, growing aspirations for orientation and clarity are appearing constantly. Since living in a multicultural environment has become the everyday life for most of us, these aspirations can be noticed even more. Most of us often interact simultaneously with people from different cultural, generational, religious or linguistic background. These mostly enriching interactions also may entail challenges that seem to require communicational competences or knowledge as well as orientation in respect of different attitudes, values or ways to think and to communicate - Competences that render the VUCA world and its high - in our case cultural - complexity more accessible and illuminative.

A constructive approach to diversity seems essential - one that gives answers to the question how to succeed in exchanging important information respecting your own values and the values of the other,as well as possibly different communication styles, and one that takes a look at sociocultural divergences from a new point of view. The two days long interactive seminar cross-cultural competences at the workplace will support you in developing your competences and in getting knowledge about several cultural aspects of our lives. The content of the seminar is structured in a way, which will enable you to strengthen your cultural awareness and your appreciative approach to diversity recognising the impacts of the VUCA world.

The Content

  • Definitions - Culture - Communication - Conflict - Perception and Cognition in the Collaboration
  • Cultural Glasses - specifying and optimising perceptual processes
  • Dealing Constructively with Conflicts - Introduction to Non-violent Communication
Die Veranstaltung ist zweitägig und findet jeweils von 9:00 bis 15:30 Uhr statt.
185.00 EUR
2.00 days